Friday, December 30, 2011

[OOC] Metal Gods

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The Painkiller
Member for 0 years

Oh, man I want in on this...but only if your heart is in the right place.

List all of your favorite bands. Now. Right now. Open your iTunes and go down the list.

Then I'll decide.

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Yeah, I feel no need to show if my 'heart is in the right place'. :v Feel free to decide if you wish, but asking for my favourite bands should not be the category for deciding. You should be looking at what the ideas are for the bands themselves.

(Also: Nile, Death, Judas Priest, Mot?rhead, Deicide, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Suffocation, Gallhammer, Carcass, Napalm Death, Deep Purple, Atheist, Amebix, Cynic, Nasum, Bohema, The Beatles, Weather Report, Art Blakey, and Naked City are, in general, some of my favourite bands. Make of that what you will, I guess.)

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The Painkiller
Member for 0 years

Don't take it the wrong way!
I just don't think that being in a metal band, no matter how real or fake it is, with clashing musical interests doesn't work for some people. Myself included!


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Member for 0 years

Fair enough. Though you know, there are two bands. If you disagree with my musical tastes or where I want Band 1 to go, Band 2 offers a different approach.

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The Painkiller
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