Friday, December 7, 2012

Foods (and Drink) to Avoid Cataracts - Beyond Gorgeous

We already know that vitamins A, C, and E are good for your eyes. ?Getting them in your diet will help prevent cataracts, among other eye ills. ?The nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin also are helpful. ?So are the B vitamins.

The B vitamins, especially riboflavin and niacin, help prevent cataracts according the sites I studied.? You can get riboflavin from lean beef and lamb, yogurt, milk, mushrooms, almonds, eggs and coffee.? However, nearly every site cautions against caffeine for eye health, so better stick to the other sources.

Niacin comes from tuna, chicken, salmon, turkey, anchovies, kidney beans, peanuts, and sunflower seeds.? Of course, you can also get them from supplements ? if you choose a food-based vitamin from a reputable company.

A study with rats showed that those little critters who drank lots of tea had lower blood sugar than the non-tea-drinking rats? (and how did they get the rats to drink tea, I wonder?).? They also had a reduced level of glucose in the eye lens and about half the number of cataracts.? They haven?t done studies in people yet, but it makes sense to drink lots of tea.? It won?t hurt, at any rate.

And there is an eye-drop that has been shown in several studies to reverse cataracts.? The eyedrop contains the natural solution N-acetylcarnosine.? Why haven?t you heard about these studies?? Because it is a natural substance available over the counter.? Unless you have a doctor who is tuned in to holistic medicine, you won?t hear about it. Drug companies don?t profit from it, so doctors don?t hear about it ? but I won?t get on that soapbox for this post!

Once more, we find that the best thing? you can do is what you know to do already.? Eat a low glycemic diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.? Avoid sugar, grains, and transfats, which means stay away from junk foods and processed foods.? If you take care of your body, it will last as long as? you live.

Eating to live and living for Christ,

Susan Jordan Brown


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