Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How Everybody Will Use Facebook Graph Search (Hint: Inappropriately)

Nick Douglas of Slacktory shows everybody how Facebook Graph Search, as awesome as it can be, will quickly devolve into a completely inappropriate search engine for finding MILFs, GILFs, pictures taken at the beach and anything of that nature. Basically, it's going to start innocently with people trying to find others with the same music tastes but eventually become creepers filtering and stalking people they wish they could have sex with. Facebook. Adult Friend Finder. What's the difference. [YouTube via Slacktory] More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/QGyUrev-5Mg/how-everybody-will-use-facebook-graph-search-hint-inappropriately

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