Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tesco experiments with free movie and TV streaming for Clubcard members

Tesco experiments with free movie and TV streaming for Clubcard members

Brits who shop enough at Tesco to be on a first name basis with the clerks may soon have a reward that doesn't require leaving home. The UK retail chain is currently testing Clubcard TV, a web-based movie and TV streaming hub that would be a free perk of Clubcard membership. As it exists in beta form, the Blinkbox-derived service won't have Lovefilm or Netflix quaking in their boots: there's a limited slate of mostly family-oriented fare, and Tesco's notion of TV streaming involves the video output on a laptop. While neither is an issue as long as the trial is limited to staff, we hope there's a richer platform by the time Clubcard TV is open to anyone with a lot of grocery shopping in mind.

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Via: The Telegraph

Source: Clubcard TV

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/12/tesco-experiments-with-free-movie-and-tv-streaming/

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