Friday, March 22, 2013

What's hot and what's not in self-help

What's hot and what's not in self-help [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-Mar-2013
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Contact: Alana Podolsky
Oxford University Press

Self-help is a big business but, alas, not always a scientific one. 95% of self-help resources in mental health possess no scientific research attesting to their success. For every life challenge, there are dozens of self-help books to help individuals navigate, creating another problem: How do you find the self-help manual that's most effective? In SELF-HELP THAT WORKS, Dr. John C. Norcross and five scientist-practitioners identify the best and the worst of self-help manuals. Drawing on careful research, clinical expertise and national studies, they recommend self-help materials for 41 different behavioral disorders and life challenges.

The self-help movement has moved online and Dr. Norcross and his colleagues explore the effectiveness of online resources. SELF-HELP THAT WORKS provides print and online resources to navigate issues from Abuse to Divorce, Schizophrenia to Dementia/Alzheimer's, and PTSD to Sexuality. In addition to evaluating self-help texts, the authors recommend films, support groups and websites. The revised 4th edition of this award-winning book, previously titled Authoritative Guide to Self-Help Resources in Mental Health, has expanded, updated content and new chapters focusing on autism, bullying, chronic pain, GLB issues, happiness, and nonchemical addictions. The final chapters provide key strategies for consumers evaluating self-help as well as for professionals integrating self-help into treatment.

Altogether, SELF HELP THAT WORKS evaluates more than 2,000 self-help resources to give professionals and individuals the most up-to-date resources to change their lives.


Resources to Improve Emotional Health and Strengthen Relationships
by John Linda F. Campbell, John M. Grohol, John W. Santrock, Florin Selagea and Robert Sommer,
will be published in paperback by Oxford on March 21, 2013
624 Pages ? $45.00? 9780199915156

To request a review copy or interview the authors, please contact Alana Podolsky, Publicity, 212-726-6033 or

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What's hot and what's not in self-help [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-Mar-2013
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Contact: Alana Podolsky
Oxford University Press

Self-help is a big business but, alas, not always a scientific one. 95% of self-help resources in mental health possess no scientific research attesting to their success. For every life challenge, there are dozens of self-help books to help individuals navigate, creating another problem: How do you find the self-help manual that's most effective? In SELF-HELP THAT WORKS, Dr. John C. Norcross and five scientist-practitioners identify the best and the worst of self-help manuals. Drawing on careful research, clinical expertise and national studies, they recommend self-help materials for 41 different behavioral disorders and life challenges.

The self-help movement has moved online and Dr. Norcross and his colleagues explore the effectiveness of online resources. SELF-HELP THAT WORKS provides print and online resources to navigate issues from Abuse to Divorce, Schizophrenia to Dementia/Alzheimer's, and PTSD to Sexuality. In addition to evaluating self-help texts, the authors recommend films, support groups and websites. The revised 4th edition of this award-winning book, previously titled Authoritative Guide to Self-Help Resources in Mental Health, has expanded, updated content and new chapters focusing on autism, bullying, chronic pain, GLB issues, happiness, and nonchemical addictions. The final chapters provide key strategies for consumers evaluating self-help as well as for professionals integrating self-help into treatment.

Altogether, SELF HELP THAT WORKS evaluates more than 2,000 self-help resources to give professionals and individuals the most up-to-date resources to change their lives.


Resources to Improve Emotional Health and Strengthen Relationships
by John Linda F. Campbell, John M. Grohol, John W. Santrock, Florin Selagea and Robert Sommer,
will be published in paperback by Oxford on March 21, 2013
624 Pages ? $45.00? 9780199915156

To request a review copy or interview the authors, please contact Alana Podolsky, Publicity, 212-726-6033 or

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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