Sunday, January 22, 2012

Demjanjuk denied bid for 2nd US citizenship review (AP)

CLEVELAND ? A judge in Ohio won't offer convicted Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk (dem-YAHN'-yuk) a second chance to regain his U.S. citizenship.

The retired Cleveland-area auto worker had asked federal Judge Dan Aaron Polster to reconsider his earlier ruling, but the request was rejected Friday. Polster said Demjanjuk's case doesn't warrant another review.

The 91-year-old Demjanjuk was convicted by a German court on more than 28,000 counts of accessory to murder and found he had worked as a guard at the Sobibor death camp.

He claims the government failed to disclose evidence including a 1985 secret FBI report uncovered by The Associated Press. The document questioned whether a Nazi ID card purportedly showing Demjanjuk served as a death camp guard was a Soviet fake. The judge overruled that claim.


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