Friday, January 27, 2012

Pets and the Residential Lease Agreement | galveston ...

If ??? h??? a pet, ??? know h?w hard ?t ??n b? t? find ?n apartment th?t w?ll allow ??? ?nd ???r furry friend t? both sign th? residential lease agreement.

Many, dare I ??? m??t landlords ?r? strict ?b??t n?t accepting tenants w?th animals. If ??? ?r? lucky, ??? m?? b? ?bl? t? find landlords w?th a kind heart (probably pet owners themselves) wh? w?ll allow ??rt??n kinds ?f pets ?n th??r units.

Th? best ?l??? t? find ?n apartment th?t accepts pets ?? t? first look ?n ?ll th? usually places: Craigslist, pet-friendly websites f?r people looking t? rent, th? news classifieds ?r even through a broker.

B?t please follow th? residential lease agreement golden rule w?th regards t? animals!

M?k? sure ??? mention ???r pet before ??? b?g?n ???r lease hunting efforts!

Y?? m??t follow th? two steps below t? insure ?n efficient ???r???h ?n finding th? best property f?r ??? ?nd ???r pet:

A?k up front ?b??t th??r pet policy.

If ??? ?r? replying t? ?n apartment listing via telephone ?r email, b? sure t? ??k wh?t th? property policy ?? w?th regards t? pets.

Y?? don?t want t? g?t yourself excited ?b??t a ?l??? ?nl? t? find out later th?t th?? don?t accept pets ?f ?n? kind. And don?t m?k? th? mistake th?t ?? many people d? wh??h ?? g? ?ll th? way through th? application process thinking th?? ??n?t possibly turn ??? down once th?? meet YOUR pet. Guess wh?t? N? one thinks ???r pet ?? ?? cute ?nd sweet ?? ??? d?. I h??? never seen th?? work. W?r?t case, ?f ??? signed th? lease ?nd m???d ?n ?nd th?? later found ???r pet living w?th ???, th? landlord ???ld evict ??? AND collect ?ll th? rent due through th? remainder ?f ???r lease.

Lastly, ??? m?? find out b? letting th? landlord know upfront th?t th?? accept ??rt??n breeds ?f dog ?r ??rt??n sizes (f?r example: under 20 pounds).

T?ll broker ?b??t ???r pet.

If ??? opt t? ??? a broker t? h?l? ??? find a property, b? sure ??? inform th? broker ?t ???r first meeting th?t ??? h??? ?n animal ?nd th?t ??? ?nl? want t? see apartments w?th pet-friendly policies.

Al?? m?k? sure t? inform th?m ?f ??? ?l?n ?n getting a pet ?n th? future.

If ??? follow th??? two simple steps ??? ??n b? sure n?t t? waste unnecessary time ?n ???r hunt f?r a pet-friendly apartment complex. If ??? ?nd th? landlords th?t r?n th? properties ??? ?r? interested ?n ?r? ?n th? same page ??? won?t waste valuable time wondering ?f ???r beloved pet ?? going t? ?nd up unintentionally denying ??? access t? a residential lease agreement.

Stirling Gardner (Th? Hollywood Landlord) ?? a writer ?nd property management expert.

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