Thursday, October 25, 2012

Survey shows China's manufacturing improving

BEIJING (AP) ? China's manufacturing improved this month, adding to signs an economic recovery might be taking shape after a sharp slump in the world's No. 2 economy.

A preliminary version of HSBC's monthly purchasing managers' index rose to a three-month high of 49.1 points on a 100-point scale, the bank said Wednesday. That still was below the 50-point level that indicates a contraction but was a strong improvement from September's 47.9.

That added to data last week that showed retail sales and investment picking up. Economic growth in the three months ending in September fell to a three and a half year low of 7.4 percent but the decline was much gentler than in earlier quarters. Activity grew by 2.2 percent over the previous quarter, the biggest such gain in a year.

HSBC Corp. said the preliminary reading is based on responses from 85 to 90 percent of the 420 companies it surveys each month. The final index is due out Nov. 1.

"October's flash PMI reading continues to recover for the second month, thanks in part to a gradual improvement in the new orders index, which picked up to a six-month high," said HSBC economist Hongbin Qu in a statement.

But Qu warned that challenges "still abound" and the job market faces pressure.

"This calls for a continuation of policy easing in the coming months to secure a firmer growth recovery," he said.

The Chinese numbers are rare good news for the world economy, which has slowed as Europe's chronic debt crisis worsened and the American economy stagnated.

Analysts have cautioned that a Chinese recovery is likely to be "L-shaped," meaning the decline might have stopped but improvements in growth should be gradual. That would be a setback for exporters of commodities and other goods that are counting on China to help drive a rebound in global demand.

The slowdown was due largely to government curbs imposed to cool an overheated economy and reduce reliance on exports by encouraging more domestic consumption. The slump worsened last year after global demand for Chinese goods plunged unexpectedly.

Chinese leaders have cut interest rates twice since early June and are pumping money into the economy through high spending by state companies and on building airports and other public works but have avoided a large stimulus.

Data last week showed retail sales rose 14.4 percent in September, accelerating from the first half's 14.1 percent growth. Investment in factories and other fixed assets improved, rising 20.5 percent in the first nine months of the year, up from a 20.2 percent rate for the first eight months.

China's expansion is strong compared with the United States and Japan, where this year's growth is forecast in low single digits, but the slowdown has been painful for companies that depend on strong demand for new factories and other goods.

The slump raised the risk of job losses and unrest, posing a challenge to the ruling party as it prepares for a once-a-decade handover of power to younger leaders.

Premier Wen Jiabao, the country's top economic official, said last week growth appeared to be stabilizing and expressed confidence China can meet its official targets for the year. Wen gave no growth forecast or a possible time frame.

The ruling Communist Party's official growth target this year is 7.5 percent, well below the double-digit levels of recent years.

Growth could rebound to about 8 percent in the current quarter, said Credit Agricole CIB economist Dariusz Kowalczyk in a report.

"It is increasingly clear that no further measures to stimulate growth are needed," said Kowalczyk. "Markets may be disappointed to realize that Chinese recovery will be gradual and no new stimulus is forthcoming."

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Translate website content & product from English to French - 2000 ...


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Last seen: Oct 23, 2012 5:27 AM EDT


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SocGen rogue trader Kerviel loses appeal against jail

PARIS (Reuters) - Former Societe Generale trader Jerome Kerviel lost his appeal on Wednesday against a three-year prison sentence for his role in France's biggest rogue-trading scandal.

A Paris appeals court ruled that the 35-year-old ex-trader, who had fought to overturn a 2010 conviction for taking huge, risky bets that cost SocGen 4.9 billion euros ($6.35 billion), was responsible

It said he must also repay the bank the billions lost, potentially a life-time claim on part of his earnings.

"Jerome Kerviel was the sole creator, inventor and user of a fraudulent system that caused these damages to Societe Generale," the court said in its ruling.

A nervous-looking Kerviel, who chewed his nails as he heard the verdict, was not forced to go to jail immediately. A separate judge will decide the precise terms of his sentence and how many hours he spends behind bars every day - a process that lawyers say could take weeks.

In all, Kerviel's sentence is for five years in jail, two of which are suspended.

The ruling is a victory for SocGen, which has spent years trying to shake off the scandal after it hit headlines around the world at the dawn of the 2008 financial crisis.

It also comes as the financial industry battles lawsuits over crisis-era behavior and public perception it is too risky.

Kerviel's lawyer, David Koubbi, said he was examining the possibility of calling on France's highest court of appeal, the Cour de Cassation, to rule on the legality of the rulings.

"We had given ourselves the goal of defending Mr. Kerviel against an absolutely appalling injustice. I can tell you that we've failed," Koubbi told journalists outside the court.


Kerviel has never denied masking the 50 billion euro positions that made headlines around the world as the financial crisis unfolded in early 2008, he has always said his bosses knew what he was doing -- which SocGen denies.

Former SocGen Chief Executive Daniel Bouton testified both this year and in 2010, calling Kerviel a "great deceiver" and saying that the bank's risk managers and back-office staff never stood a chance against the trader's manipulations.

The lack of a new "smoking gun" during this year's appeal that might have radically shaken up the case meant that outside observers saw Kerviel's chances of walking free as slim.

But if the judge had put any responsibility onto SocGen for the losses, the bank might have had to repay 1.7 billion euros in tax write-offs on the losses.

As for the 4.9 billion, the bank has already said it would be reasonable in reclaiming this sum, seen as a future claim on earnings than a one-off fine.

(Reporting by Lionel Laurent; Editing by Christian Plumb/Jeremy Gaunt)


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Serial Entrepreneur Gurbaksh Chahal on Building an A-List Team ...

Originally Posted at

In this special feature of ?Ask Entrepreneur,? Facebook fan?Blake Snodgrass?from?Corpus Christi,Texas?asks:?What is the best way to build a team for your new venture with limited funds to keep them interested??Post your question about starting up in the comments box or ask it during our?live video chat with Gurbaksh Chahal?Oct. 24.

Hiring the right people ? who really want to see you succeed ? is probably the biggest challenge in starting a business. The first five people you hire will determine whether you?ll have a viable company. The first 20 people will likely determine whether you can create the culture to create the next masterpiece.

These are the traits I look for in prospective team members:

  1. Ambition ? What fuels them to succeed?
  2. Discipline ? Are they willing to go through hell and back with me several times?
  3. Purpose ? Do they want to make a dent, make a difference ? and why?

If your employees have all three qualities, they will become a tremendous asset to you. You also want to hire the smartest people you can find. Smart people make beautiful music together. Lots of smart people, working in unison, can have the power and beauty of a Beethoven symphony.

When building a team, remember that a company becomes successful when the culture of entrepreneurialism is deeply rooted in everything it does ? and never changes. Innovation does not have a stopwatch. You want to hire entrepreneurs, people who are natural problem solvers ? the ones who see opportunity when most see impossibility.

When you pick the right ?dream team,? they will surround themselves with other A-list players who also solve problems ? whether it?s from a product, technology, or sales perspective. Steve Jobs said it best in his memoir: A-list people want to work with other A-list people. Never surround yourself with deadweight.

Creativity also becomes the lifeblood of a company. You want to allow everyone to have a voice. People should know their opinions matter so it fosters innovation. You may not always agree with them ? but at least their voices are heard. I know at times people sometimes feel nervous about voicing their opinion because they think it might come across as a stupid idea. But if you?ve hired A-list people ? I can guarantee you one thing ? no suggestion of theirs will be stupid.

And if you?re wary of hiring entrepreneurs, thinking they?ll just break away and start their own companies, remember that?s fear creeping up again.?As I?ve said before, the day you decide to live in fear is the day you?ve already lost your battle. Great people require trust. If they leave, that?s okay. They were great for a reason and were there for a purpose. Foster the same DNA across your company, and losing one or two team members will never affect the livelihood of the company.

Once you hire the right team, and they are aligned on the same objective, you?ll always innovate. Stagnation will be your worst enemy. You?ll execute on your vision and you?ll grow exponentially. And, more importantly, you?ll create a culture that fosters speed, innovation, and winning. Fear and failure will never be part of the vocabulary.

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Northern Home Garden

We?re heading down home? to your farms! Urban, suburban, or rural ? whatever you?re growing and doing, we want to see it.

Welcome to the Down Home Farm Tours series. To see all the farms and homesteads featured in this series, click here. If you?d like to be featured, please read here for guidelines.

Welcome,?Northern Home Garden!

Today, I get to introduce you to Northern Home Garden.?Anna and Jacob are creatively growing a large amount of their food?at their suburban home and at?friends? farms. Visit their blog here.

What is your name and the names of your family members?
We?re?Anna, Jakob, and two teenage children.

What is the name of your farm/homestead?
Actually we do not have a farm or?homestead. Truth is we do not even own a single square foot of land, but we do what we can and call it?Northern Home Garden.

How long have you been farming/homesteading?
All our growing up years and now five years in Canada.

Share a brief description of your farm/homestead.
We live in a rented house with a small backyard of about 2000 square feet. Our climate is cold and the growing season is short with only about 100 frost free days in a row. Our summers?are cool and often stormy. Our landlord allowed us to build a geodome greenhouse and have a garden. Friends allow us to have some rows at their farm and also keep bees on their land. We are so grateful for these good people! We grow lots and lots of food in our square foot garden, in the greenhouse, and at our friend?s farm. We do not sell anything; just grow, eat and giveaway if there is a surplus.

What are you raising, growing, and doing?
We are growing most winter vegetables like cabbage and spinach, and root crops (remember we only have a short cold summer). We also grow zucchini and beans, since they do not need long to ripen. In the greenhouse we have tomatoes, cucumbers, papers, ground cherries, and even eggplants along with some strawberries. Our rented property has also an apple tree and we planted some raspberries. We?re not sure if our landlord is happy about those, but we are ;) . We also keep some bees (two hives so far). Our daughter has bunnies as pets.

How did you get into farming/homesteading?
I grew up on a mostly self sufficient homestead, and I guess it is in my genes. :)

Any future plans?
We would love, love, love to own some land and to build up a real homestead, with trees, and berries and some animals (dreaming aloud).

Any funny stories to share?
Every year I grow something stupid, like a whole row of rutabaga, even if we only want to eat three?of them.

Let?s Tour ?Northern Home Garden?!

(Wardee: In the captions below, you?re hearing from?Anna and Jakob, as they tell what is in each picture. Don?t forget to visit?their blog or Flickr set for lots more!)

Building a geodome greenhouse.

Geodome Greenhouse.

All ready to go in the greenhouse!

Transplanting tomatoes in the ground.

The greenhouse starting to be a jungle.

The joy of harvesting!

Square-foot gardening, a great method for little space.


Growing microgreens in the winter.

Gardening at a friends farm.

Onion harvest.

The brand new beekeeper!

First honey using the crush and strain method.

Lots more pictures at this Flickr set.

(Back to Wardee)?Anna and Jakob, thank you for sharing with us! We hope you enjoy your free thank you video, our gift to you. Plus, feel free to display the following graphic on your site. (Right-click and save to your computer, then upload to your site and link to this farm tour post.)

Would you like to be featured?

Are you a homesteader or farmer at any level? You don?t have to live in the country, you don?t have to be doing everything.

Being on the journey is the only qualification. We want to see what you?re doing, no matter how big or small.

Click here for submission guidelines for the Down Home Farm Tours series. We?re excited to hear from you!

If you?re selected, we will share your farm/homestead pictures and stories in a dedicated blog post, plus you can add the featured graphic to your blog or website. And, we?ll give you a free thank you video of your choice!

Please give?Anna and Jakob?a warm welcome in the comments! Be sure to visit their?blog and Flickr set, too.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Orange begins first HD Voice calls between countries, decides clarity knows no borders

Orange HD Voice on Nokia phones

Orange was one of the vanguards of high-quality cellphone calls, having kicked off HD Voice with a Moldovian launch back in 2009. The premium chatter has always stopped at the border, however -- even two Orange customers couldn't see the improvement if they were in different countries. The carrier is bridging that gap with claims that it's the first to support improved voice on the international level: starting today, Moldovans and Romanians on Orange can give each other a ring and expect the extra-smooth calling they're used to from local conversations. We don't yet know if and when other countries will hop on the bandwagon. We've reached out, but it's possible that any upgraded links between other countries will come only from case-by-case negotiations. Those in Bucharest might want to track down any relatives in Chi?in?u for a quick chat in the meantime.

Continue reading Orange begins first HD Voice calls between countries, decides clarity knows no borders

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Orange begins first HD Voice calls between countries, decides clarity knows no borders originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:40:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Killer disease reaches Uganda capital, five dead

KAMPALA (Reuters) - An outbreak of the deadly Marburg virus in Uganda has spread to the capital Kampala after an infected woman travelled to the city and the death toll from the disease, a cousin of Ebola, climbed to five, a health official said on Monday.

The latest outbreak of another hemorrhagic fever, first confirmed on Friday in Kabale district, 430 km (270 miles) southwest of Kampala, has rattled a country that only two weeks ago declared itself free of Ebola after it claimed at least 16 lives.

There is no vaccine or specific treatment for the Marburg virus, also known as Marburg hemorrhagic fever, which is transmitted through bodily fluids such as saliva and blood, or by handling infected wild animals such as monkeys.

"We have one case confirmed in Mulago Hospital while the number of the dead is now five," Rukia Nakamatte, spokesperson for the ministry of health told Reuters on Monday.

"Thirty -four contacts (people are) being monitored and an isolation facility is being set up."

A health official told Reuters on Monday that the woman at Mulago, the country's largest referral hospital, had travelled to Kampala about five days ago and is a member of a family in Kabale which lost three people.

Health investigators have yet to determined the origin of the latest Marburg infection but Uganda's director general of health services, Dr. Ruth Aceng, said on Friday that outbreaks of hemorrhagic fevers in Uganda tend to occur between June and September.

This is the period when villagers who go into the wild to collect fruit are likely to come into contact with wild animals such as fruit bats, a natural vector for the Marbug virus.

Elly Matte, a police spokesperson in Kabale, said people were alarmed about the viral outbreak. "We... might impose a quarantine if the situation worsens," he said.

Ugandan Health officials, as preventative measures, have urged people to avoid public gatherings and bodily contact. The World Health Organization has deployed a team to the district to support the outbreak investigation and response.

The last outbreak of Marburg in Uganda was in 2007 and killed two miners in the west while the deadliest occurrence of hemorrhagic fever was in 2000 when 425 people contracted Ebola and more than half of them died.

Marburg, from the same family of viruses as Ebola, starts with a severe headache followed by hemorrhaging and, in previous outbreaks in Africa, to death in 80 percent or more of cases, usually within eight to nine days.

Although both viruses are highly contagious and have high case fatalities, Marburg has a shorter incubation period of 14 days, compared to Ebola's 21.

(Editing by James Macharia and Michael Roddy)


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Why the Benghazi terrorist attack still dogs Obama

When it comes up in the presidential candidates? foreign policy debate Monday night, President Obama will have some serious explaining to do about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last month that killed the US Ambassador and three other Americans.

By Brad Knickerbocker,?Staff writer / October 20, 2012

President Barack Obama, accompanied by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaks during a ceremony Sept. 14 at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., marking the return to the United States of the remains of the four Americans killed in Benghazi, Libya.

Carolyn Kaster/AP


When it comes up in the presidential candidates? foreign policy debate Monday night ? and it certainly will ? President Obama will have some serious explaining to do about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last month.

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His answer could be pivotal in the debate, perhaps even in the election. Meanwhile, new information about what happened that night ? the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States ? and in the weeks afterward continues to emerge.

David Ignatius, the Washington Post?s well-regarded foreign policy columnist, reports that initial CIA ?talking points? supported UN Ambassador Susan Rice?s early contention that the attack in Benghazi ? which took the life of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other embassy personnel ? was tied to region-wide protests against a crude anti-Islam YouTube video.

According to the CIA account, provided to Mr. Ignatius by a senior US intelligence official, ?The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US Consulate and subsequently its annex. There are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.?

Think you know the Middle East? Take our geography quiz.

?This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and as currently available information continues to be evaluated,? the Sept. 15 CIA document continued.

?We believe the timing of the attack was influenced by events in Cairo,? the senior official told Ignatius. ?The attackers were disorganized; some seemed more interested in looting. Some who claimed to have participated joined the attack as it began or after it was under way. There is no evidence of rehearsals, they never got into the safe room ? never took any hostages, didn?t bring explosives to blow the safe room door, and didn?t use a car bomb to blow the gates.?

It was, the intelligence official said, ?a flash mob with weapons,? adding that the only thing he would change in the CIA?s initial talking points would be to drop the word ?spontaneous? and substitute ?opportunistic.?

?This may sound like self-protective boilerplate,? Ignatius observes, ?but it reflects the analysts? genuine problem interpreting fragments of intercepted conversation, video surveillance and source reports? ? in essence, the ?fog of war? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton referred to earlier this week.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Does Email Marketing Really Work on your business/blogs?

Email marketing is the process of maintaining ongoing communication with customers and potential customers through the use of email.? A question that often arises is whether or not email marketing really works.? The answer is yes ? mass email through a well-planned email marketing campaign is a valuable tool for small businesses, corporations, and internet entrepreneurs.? To better answer the question of whether or not email marketing works, we must first consider its purpose.

email marketing

What is the Purpose of Email Marketing?

While many people who are unfamiliar with email marketing may think that it is simply about pushing products and services onto customers, there is much more to it than that.? Email marketing is more about customer communication management which is a part of customer relationship management.? As such, in addition to sales emails there are numerous other purposes a company may send an email to their list.? These include:

  • Newsletter emails that allow the recipient to keep up to date with company and industry news as well as be provided with interesting, niche-related information
  • Catalog emails which allow the recipient to browse through a products and service listing.
  • Survey emails which allow the recipient to provide feedback to the company.
  • Press release emails which notify recipients of upcoming products and services they may be interested in.
  • Thank-you emails which show the recipient that they are important to the company.

Given all of the purposes of email marketing, it should become clear that it is not all about selling but is more about bigger-picture goals and in that sense, email marketing works wonders.? Now that we?ve considered the purpose of email marketing, let?s look at how to make email marketing work for you.

Making Email Marketing Work for You

Executing a successful email marketing campaign is not as simple as writing out a text-based email attempting to directly sell a product or service.? However, the process doesn?t have to be as difficult as one may think.

In order to make an email marketing campaign work for your company, the first step is to identify your goals.? Do you simply want to provide your list with information that will build a relationship between you and the recipients or do you want to sell products and services directly to them?? Do you want to gather data from them or simply thank them for their loyalty?? Likely you?ll want to do many of these things but defining your goals ahead of time will keep the process running smoothly.

Also Read: WPSubscribers | Best WordPress Plugin to increase email subscribers?

Once you?ve identified your goals, you should begin planning your campaign.? This includes deciding when and how many emails to send as well as preparing the copy, templates, and other required promotional material.? After that?s taken care of, it?s simply a matter of executing the campaign based on the plan.

Does Email Marketing Work?

The short answer is yes.? Through the use of proper email marketing techniques including well-defined goals and great execution of a solid campaign plan, email marketing is a great way to increase your revenues and grow your business.


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3-D-printed airplane takes to the skies

11 hrs.

3-D printers are already being used to create machine parts and small toys, but engineers have now used the technology?to build an entire vehicle: a plastic, unmanned airplane that actually flies.

The plane, created by engineering students at the University of Virginia (U.Va.), has a 6.5-foot wingspan, and was made from assembled printed parts.

The team tested their creation during four flights in August and early September at Milton Airfield near Keswick, Va. The aircraft, which is only the third 3-D-printed plane known to have been built and flown, achieved a cruising speed of 45 mph.

3-D printing?is already proving to be a valuable tool in teaching?students, said David Sheffler, an engineer at U.Va. who worked with students Steven Easter and Jonathan Turman to create the?aircraft.

[How 3D Printing Could Become Commonplace]

?To make a plastic turbofan engine to scale five years ago would have taken two years, at a cost of about $250,000,? Sheffler said in a statement. ?But with 3-D printing we designed and built it in four months for about $2,000. This opens up an arena of teaching that was not available before. It allows us to train engineers for the real challenges they will face in industry.?

??via?University of Virginia


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Re: Buttons Disabled in FTM2012 - Family Tree Maker software ...

Hi David. Sorry it took me so long to get back to this thread.

I took a look at what you suggested in the Sync Options. My system is already set up to update Manually, so that isn't the problem for me.

Sometimes my buttons are available and sometimes they are greyed out and unavailable. There can only be one of two things causing this, as far as I can tell: (1) poor programming or (2) an intentional bug placed in the program to persuade people not to sync too often due to server load issues. In either case, this issue needs to be fixed by the developers of FTM since it limits the functionality of the software and makes it less than what we purchased.


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Kacsmar: Don't believe hype with Steelers' defense

LeBeau's famed defense puts up great stats ? except when it matters most


By Scott Kacsmar contributor

updated 4:21 a.m. ET Oct. 19, 2012

Facing an important game in Cincinnati on Sunday night, the Pittsburgh Steelers (2-3) have lost a fourth-quarter lead in four of their five games this season. It?s one thing to be victimized by a Peyton Manning comeback, but they have lost on last-second field goals in Oakland and Tennessee; two teams who are a combined 1-8.

Many will point to legendary defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau not having all of his starters healthy due to a rash of injuries. In a given week that could have meant Troy Polamalu, James Harrison, LaMarr Woodley, or Ryan Clark.

Cornerback Ike Taylor, healthy but struggling mightily, lashed out at local media for criticizing this year?s defense. Taylor says to look at the facts, and ?if you want to go by numbers, we're not doing as bad as what they say we're doing."

Well as a compiler of football statistics and a Pittsburgh native who has experienced every single high and low, here's the truth:

The Steelers' defense is vastly overrated, just like much of LeBeau?s coaching career has been.

Known as the father of the zone blitz, which creates illusions of pressure, LeBeau has also created an illusion that his long career is full of defensive coaching success. That's not the case.

Defense does not excel when it matters most
Blasphemy, you say? Well, LeBeau would have quickly been ?Juan Castillo?d? out of a job in today?s game. In his first attempt as a defensive coordinator with the Cincinnati Bengals (1984-1991), the Bengals? average rank in defensive points allowed was 20.3 (there were only 28 teams then). Just once did they rank higher than 17 (No. 9 in 1989), and they were dead last in points and yards in his final season.

Lebeau?s second stint in Cincinnati (1997-2002) was even more disastrous, and after being promoted to head coach, he was just 12-33 (.267) before being fired. He did spend one quality year as an assistant head coach in Buffalo (2003), and had a good initial run on a Pittsburgh defense loaded with talent (1992-1996).

The most sustained coaching success LeBeau has had started when he returned to the Steelers in 2004. Since then Pittsburgh has gone 101-46 (.687) with two Super Bowl wins.

But two more important events happened in Pittsburgh in 2004: the drafting of franchise quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and Troy Polamalu moving into the starting lineup. Each player has been the team MVP on their side of the ball.

Since 2007, no defense has allowed fewer points or yards than the Steelers, ranking No. 1 in the league in fewest points allowed three times (No. 2 in 2007).

That sounds nice, but you have to ask yourself what you want from a defense.

Should it shut down the Cleveland Browns and their annually different quarterback twice a year, or do you want a defense that will show up against the best competition too? Do you want a defense that can finish the job, or a defense that?s going to fall apart in the clutch?

You can have all the top-ranked statistical defenses you want. If you cannot make a play to win a game or perform anywhere close to your usual level against the best of the best, then the only reality is your defense is overrated.

Stating the facts
Since 2007, Pittsburgh?s defense has allowed 20 game-winning drives in the fourth quarter or overtime, which is tied with Green Bay for the league's second most.

Most game-winning drives allowed (2007-2012)

Rank Team Game-winning drives
1 Washington Redskins 24
2T Pittsburgh Steelers 20
2T Green Bay Packers 20
4 Kansas City Chiefs 19
5T Baltimore Ravens 18
5T Miami Dolphins 18
32 New York Giants 9 (Note: fewest in NFL)

Twenty is too high for a defense that allows the league's fewest points and yards, but none of that has mattered when it comes to crunch time.

Since 2007, the Steelers? defense has faced a total of 125 drives in the fourth quarter and overtime when tied or leading by 1-8 points. They have allowed 22 touchdowns and 25 field goals (231 points). It works out to 1.85 points per drive, which would have ranked 21st in the league in 2011, a below-average defense. Fifteen of the touchdown drives have been at least 70 yards in length, and nine were more than 80 yards.

Pittsburgh has allowed 20 game-winning drives, 12 game-tying drives, and 10 go-ahead drives which came during games where the offense would regain the lead for a win. They also allowed five field goals when leading by 5-7 points. That means 78 ?stops?, though some of those drives were in the final seconds when the opponent had no realistic opportunity.

The scariest parts are the context for how some of these drives happened, and to think how big that number would be if the offense did not bail out the defense. Even Curtis Painter led an 80-yard game-tying touchdown drive last season in Indianapolis against LeBeau?s defense before a Roethlisberger game-winning drive.

If the Redskins had better quarterback play, they would have been able to turn more of those 24 losses into wins. Since 2007, Washington quarterbacks have 12 game-winning drives. The Steelers have 17, with Ben Roethlisberger engineering 16 of them.

But even Roethlisberger cannot answer if he does not have enough time left.

The average game-winning drive (in regulation) allowed by the Steelers has come with 3:04 left in the fourth quarter, which is the fifth-smallest amount of time for any team. The less time, the harder it is to answer. The Patriots have the worst average time to answer (just 1:25 left). The Jets have had 7:01 left (the most time), so shame on their offense.

This table looks at how much time was left in the game when the Steelers allowed the points on their late game-winning drives. In parenthesis is the league rank for that category, and the Steelers rank as the worst in everything except for overtime drives, where they are only one behind Green Bay and Miami.

Steelers' game-winning drives allowed (2007-2012)

Last 2:00 Last 1:00 Last 0:40 Last 0:15 OT Drives Last 0:40 + OT
10 (1st) 9 (1st) 9 (1st) 7 (1st) 4 (T-3rd) 13 (1st)

Not only is allowing 10 game-winning drives in the final two minutes the worst in the league, but the Steelers have somehow surrendered the game-losing points a league-worst nine times in the last 40 seconds of the game (no other team has more than six). Maybe the only thing worse than that are the seven times in which they have allowed the winning points in the final 0:15.

You just leave your offense no real time to answer in that situation, and nearly half the losses have happened that way.

The context behind some of the losses is both jarring and alarming, and things only seem to be getting worse.

  • 12/6/2009: Oakland?s Bruce Gradkowski became the first QB in NFL history to throw three go-ahead touchdown passes in the fourth quarter, upsetting Pittsburgh 27-24. The third completed an 88-yard drive with 0:09 left.
  • 2011 AFC Wild Card: In the first game under new overtime rules, Tim Tebow threw an 80-yard game-winning touchdown pass to Demaryius Thomas on the first play. It is the longest game-winning touchdown pass in NFL postseason history.
  • The second largest blown fourth-quarter lead in a Super Bowl belongs to Dick LeBeau?s 2008 Steelers (13 points vs. Arizona). Kurt Warner passed for 224 yards in the fourth quarter alone.
  • Since 2009, the Steelers have allowed four game-winning touchdowns in the last 0:32 of the fourth quarter. From 1990-2008, the Steelers had allowed only two game-winning touchdowns in the last 60 seconds of the fourth quarter (both vs. Cincinnati).
  • Since October 2011, the Steelers have allowed four game-winning touchdown drives of 80 or more yards. That matches the total they allowed from 1990-2010 (21 seasons).
  • 9/23/2012: Oakland had lost 48 consecutive games when trailing by at least 10 points to start the fourth quarter. They overcame a 31-21 deficit for a 34-31 win in Week 3.
  • In Roethlisberger?s 21 fourth-quarter comeback wins, the Steelers have led after three quarters just as often as they trailed (10 times each plus one tie).

What has caused so many of these losses? Sure, there has been some bad luck. Keenan Lewis dropped an interception in Tennessee last week that may have turned the game. Joe Burnettt dropped a game-ending interception in that 2009 Oakland game. The league admitted to missing a holding call on Jacksonville?s big 4th-and-2 run by David Garrard in the 2007 AFC Wild Card game.

But it works both ways, and for other teams too. In 2010, Buffalo?s Stevie Johnson dropped the game-winning touchdown in overtime. He was wide open, so LeBeau barely escaped that loss. He was not so lucky last season when Torrey Smith caught the game-winning touchdown with 0:08 left after dropping one, capping off Joe Flacco?s 92-yard drive to take control of the AFC North.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Apple loses Samsung tablet copyright appeal in UK - Legal - News ...

Samsung is indeed not as cool as Apple, as a legal ruling was upheld today in London?s High Courts. Apple was appealing against a ruling in the UK which said that, despite similarities, Samsung Galaxy tablets did not infringe upon Apple designs. In July Judge Birss famously said the Korean company?s Galaxy tablets weren?t ?as cool? as iPads and that few people would confuse the two products.

Explaining Apple?s appeal loss, one of the three judges involved in the appeal case, Sir Robin Jacob, said ?...this case is all about, and only about, Apple's registered design and the Samsung products.? He also stated that ?the issue is simply whether the accused design is too close to the registered design according to the tests laid down in the law?. Samsung?s tablet was easily distinguishable from Apple?s iPad because of the clearly visible front logo and being an ?altogether busier? design. Sir Robin also informed us that he is an iPad owner.

The UK decision is valid across Europe and should help put an end to the patent wrangles over these tablets within the EU. Today, a spokeswoman from victorious Samsung said ?We continue to believe that Apple was not the first to design a tablet with a rectangular shape and rounded corners and that the origins of Apple's registered design features can be found in numerous examples of prior art.?

Apple is now supposed to place advertisements on its website, in magazines and in newspapers such as The Guardian and Financial Times, to remove any whiff of plagiarism from Samsung?s name. Apple is yet to comment on the result of the appeal. Reuters spoke to Darren Smyth, a partner in a specialist intellectual property law firm, who said ?I expect this will be the end of the line. An appeal to the Supreme Court is in principle possible but there has been no indication so far that Apple plan such an appeal?. He added ?For the design of tablets in Europe this should be the final word.?

The notice on Apple?s website only has to be a simple link entitled ?Samsung/Apple judgement?, leading to a statement saying Samsung didn?t copy Apple?s iPad designs. It is to be visible for at least a one month period. The newspaper and magazine adverts need to be written in type no smaller than 14 points.


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By Akshay Bhansali

Steve Aoki
Photo: MTV News


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Extreme 'housework' cuts the life span of female Komodo dragons

ScienceDaily (Oct. 17, 2012) ? An international team of researchers has found that female Komodo Dragons live half as long as males on average, seemingly due to their physically demanding 'housework' such as building huge nests and guarding eggs for up to six months.

The results provide important information on the endangered lizards' growth rate, lifestyle and population differences, which may help plan conservation efforts.

The Komodo dragon is the world's largest lizard. Their formidable body size enables them to serve as top predators killing water buffalo, deer and wild boar and they have also been known to kill humans.

A research team which included scientists from the University of Melbourne, Australia, Indonesia and Italy studied 400 individual Komodo Dragons for 10 years in eastern Indonesia, their only native habitat. The team then produced a model of the Dragon's growth rate, with results published in the current issue of international journal PLoS ONE.

Males live to around 60 years of age, reaching an average 160 cm in snout-vent length (not including tail) and 65 kg at adulthood. However their female counterparts were estimated to live an average of 32 years and reach only 120 cm in snout-vent length, and 22 kg.

Dr Tim Jessop from the Department of Zoology at the University of Melbourne was a co-author on the study and said that the team were surprised by the significantly shorter lifespan of the female Komodo Dragon.

"The sex-based difference in size appears to be linked to the enormous amounts of energy females invest in producing eggs, building and guarding their nests. The process can take up to six months during which they essentially fast, losing a lot of weight and body condition, he said.

"Males and females start off at the same size until they reach sexual maturity at around seven years of age. From then on females grow slower, shorter and die younger."

The research team was keen to understand the growth rate of the Komodo Dragons as this critical process can indicate how the species prioritises its energy use in lifestyle and reproductive strategies. The results suggest that females have high energy 'costs' for reproduction resulting in their smaller size, whereas to reproduce successfully, males must keep increasing in size.

The results could have dramatic consequences for the endangered species as early female deaths may be exacerbating competition between males over the remaining females, possibly explaining why males are the world's largest lizards.

"These results may seem odd to humans when the life span between Australian men and women differ by five years. But each species has different strategies to pass on their genes. For example humans invest a lot of energy in few children as raising them is very energy intensive, whereas insects will have hundreds of offspring with no input into their rearing."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Melbourne, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Rebecca J. Laver, Deni Purwandana, Achmad Ariefiandy, Jeri Imansyah, David Forsyth, Claudio Ciofi, Tim S. Jessop. Life-History and Spatial Determinants of Somatic Growth Dynamics in Komodo Dragon Populations. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (9): e45398 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045398

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Apple loses out in UK tablet design case against Samsung


Remember when a UK judge said that Samsung couldn't have copied the iPad with its Galaxy Tab because it wasn't "as cool" as the iPad? Well, Apple has just lost the High Court appeal to have that decision overturned, meaning that despite the backhanded compliment, it will still have to run adverts in the press stating that the Korean giant had not copied its tablet designs.

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Apple loses out in UK tablet design case against Samsung originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Oct 2012 05:38:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Watch WGIH is a new monster run this morning! - StockRants Stock ...

WGIHis the one that is going to rock this morning. WGIH is a new momentum pick that I think is on verge of a potential breakout that you should turn your attention right away. Please note it already jumped 20% at closing! Read the new release.

My attention is on a new company that works with some of the worlds Biggest: Apple... Microsoft... Android... Blackberry... Ring a bell?
CurrentlyWGIH is trading around 0.12 cents and the chart looks like it is starting to breakout and continue to catch a bigger momentum in the morning. As you can see, the stock last summer made a run from the current price to as high as 15 cents per share!

Every penny uptick is a huge percentage gain for this stock! We could see a new rally today! The momentum looks like it?s FIRING UP!

I think after marketnews yesterday is going to be absorbed today! What that means is ?

You should check out WGIH for a possible explosion!

A recent Bloomberg Businessweek article stated; "The movement toward cloud computing is turning into a sprint. If a technology is hot, like clouds, tech companies want to be associated with it."

An article in Seeking Alpha states, "Cloud computing appears to be the best way to go for technology companies looking to keep ahead of the pack."
Just after the market close today, WGIH ?s subsidiary MyBitCloud announced that it plans to use NetApp for Enterprise level Storage Area Network. MyBitCloud plans on utilizing NetApp's Enterprise level Storage Area Network (SAN) which provides the highest quality disk space available today. Read more

Let ?s get familiar with WGIH!

WGIH's MyBitCloud is a leading provider of Personal & Business Cloud services that enable users and organizations to access ALL of their data, anytime, anywhere, and from any supported device.

WGIH will enable users and organizations to have unlimited storage capability while also providing backup, synchronization, access and sharing capability of any file instantly and securely from any of the supported devices including Mac, PC and mobile device such as Android, BlackBerry, iOS and Windows Mobile devices.

WGIH's team consists of international Internet industry veterans with a proven track record for building large-scale systems and networks capable of adapting to ever growing business requirements by being fully scalable and cost efficient.

WGIH uses its own proprietary software and integrates some of the modern methods to provide innovative and most advanced cloud storage and backup service that today?s users and organizations are in need of.

WGIH Network

WGIH 's MyBitCloud will utilize the power of Cloud computing in order to ensure that required resources are always available while also giving customer's peace of mind.

If there is a hardware failure virtual servers will be automatically moved to another host in the cloud and brought back online within a few seconds meaning downtime will be a thing of the past.

WGIH will reside in a private data-center and in a cloud environment using high-end redundant hardware, including the enterprise-class Cisco UCS platform and NetApp storage.

Quality hardware and sophisticated management software create a reliable, flexible, and cost efficient environment.?

Benefits of Cloud Virtual Private Data Center:

Reduces Cost ? We only pay for resources that we use, keeping our overhead to minimum.
Saves Time ? In seconds we can add new resources to our pool to increase an existing machine or create a new one.
Flexible ? We can scale up or down as needed and we only pay for what we are using.
Smaller Carbon Footprint ? Consolidation of hardware reduces electricity consumption.
Secure ? Enterprise class security will be employed to ensure data is secure at all levels. Anti-spoof, anti-sniff firewall technology isolates virtual machines, ensuring data in the cloud is private.
Resilient ? Data will always be accessible thanks to the High Availability technology and self-healing architecture.
?Route Optimized Network ? The hosting facility uses Internap?s FCP technology for super fast, low latency network.

Redundancy Engineered from the Ground Up

The MyBitCloud System is being engineered from the ground up to be able to withstand multiple failures at the storage, hypervisor, power and network levels.

Along with 24/7/365 system monitoring in place with a live engineer customers can be assured that their data will be available whenever they need it.
Hardware and Software Harmony

Utilizing Cisco?s Unified Computing System (UCS) and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization software, WGIH will harness the benefits of both industry leaders in one solid environment.

Redundant Network Infrastructure

WGIH?s network will be powered by Cisco equipment and designed for speed, low latency, low hop count with redundant connections and supervisor modules on the core network equipment.

Backed by a 99.999% uptime guarantee customers data will be in good hands.

The network will be running of Cisco ASR and Catalyst technologies to provide full redundancy and multi-path routing.

Multiple 10Gbps connections paired with top tier providers means customers data will get to its destination in as few hops as possible.

On top of that there will be multiple Internap FCP devices that continually probe the network searching for any route changes or high latency issues and rerouting traffic automatically.

Hypervisors Powered by Cisco

The Cisco Unified Computing System is the industry?s first converged data center platform, the Cisco UCS delivers smart, programmable infrastructure that effectively delivers benefits and solutions that meet real business needs.

With the ability to expand and scale on the go the UCS greatly reduces downtime and maintenance tasks. The centralized management allows transfer of resources so the UCS runs any workload on any server as needed.

It delivers a flexible pool of computing, network, and storage access resources that can be allocated and reallocated as needed so WGIH can ensure that required resources are available when they are needed.

Enterprise Level Advanced Storage System with NetApp

WGIH will utilize Enterprise level Storage Area Network (SAN) which provides the highest quality disk space available today, the feature rich storage solution provided by NetApp will allow WGIH to confidently store all of customers important files, databases and more in a safe and secure manner.
With RAID technology and Dual Controllers employed, hard drive failure is a worry of the past.

Couple that with NetApp Snapshot technology that allows instant point-in-time copies of file systems with no impact to storage access or disk I/O, and even data loss or corruption can be recovered.

Also implemented with the RAID technology WGIH will use the NFS protocol so reads/writes to the disks will be delivered at blistering fast speeds.

Storage Resilience

MyBitCloud?sNetApp SAN (storage area network) can sustain multiple simultaneous drive failures, uses multipath I/O and even has multiple controllers in fail over mode so if one goes down another one takes its place seamlessly and automatically.

It also alerts network technicians of any error so action can be taken immediately.

WGIH Mobile

WGIH 's MyBitCloud 4 iPhone application will allow customers to access, share documents, photos, music and video from their MyBitCloud storage.??- Stream music to their iPhone??- Browse their files and folders and Open many file formats??- Download files directly to iPhone wirelessly over Wifi or 3G??- View Photos directly from their MyBitCloud Photo Album??- Share files and folders Effortlessly??- Watch videos encoded for the iPhone??

WGIH 's MyBitCloud 4 Windows Phone application will allow customers to access, share files, folders and photos from their MyBitCloud storage.??- Browse files and folders and Open many file formats??- Download files directly to the device??- View Photos directly from MyBitCloud Photo Album??- Share files and folders Effortlessly??- Download Media Files and Play Offline

WGIH 's MyBitCloud 4 iPad application will allow customers to access, share documents, photos, music and video from their MyBitCloud storage.??- Stream music to their iPad??- Browse files and folders and Open many file formats??- Download files directly to iPad wirelessly over Wifi or 3G??- View Photos directly from their MyBitCloud Photo Album??- Share files and folders Effortlessly??- Watch videos encoded for the iPad

WGIH 's MyBitCloud 4 Android application will allow customers to access, share documents, photos, music from their MyBitCloud storage.??- Browse their files and folders and Open many file formats??- Download files directly to the device (Over-The-Air Downloads)??- View Photos directly from their MyBitCloud Photo Album??- Share files and folders Effortlessly??- Stream music to their Andorid phone

WGIH 's MyBitCloud 4 Blackberry application will allow customers to access, share files, folders and photos from their MyBitCloud storage.??- Browse files and folders from BlackBerry Smartphones??- Open many popular file formats??- Share files and folders Effortlessly

WGIH Software

The following applications will be available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and FreeBSD:


MyBitCloud will allow the user to create number of virtual drives/devices each with full control over encryption method as well as configuration of synchronization and caching that will be used for each of the virtual drMyBitCloud will allow the user to either extend their existing storage space with full control over encryption method, synchronization and caching for the device giving you flexible and secure control over your system storage.

My Backup & Versioning

Backup & Versioning will allow customers to store and back up their files online and access them from anywhere.

In case they need to access previous versions of files, or have accidentally deleted a file, they will be able to easily restore it.

Customers data will be encrypted using some of the latest encryption technology before it is securely transferred via SSL to WGIH 's Secure Cloud Network.

Every time a file is changed it will be automatically saved to the cloud. In addition, WGIH's Versioning system will allow customers to retrieve up to 10 most recent versions of the files further security your data.
My Synchronize
Synchronize tool will allow customers to synchronize files online and across multiple devices including various operating systems.
Their files will always be up to date ? anywhere, anytime. No more thumb drives, no more uploading files to your FTP server or emailing files to themselves.

My Share

?Share tool will allow customers easy sharing of files with selected friends and co-workers. They will be able to choose who has access to which folder/file.

All data will be uploaded to WGIH's secure and centralized MyBitCloud network, allowing users to access it from anywhere.
Before data is uploaded, it will be encrypted using a number of user-selected algorithms directly on the user?s computer ensuring that critical data is always safe.

Users will be able to edit and comment on files directly. By synchronizing specific folders across multiple computers, files will always be up-to-date and available locally on multiple devices.

WGIH Management

David Masters? is chairman of the board and chief executive officer of He is a founding member of the company since 2009 and has been instrumental in the development and strategic direction of the company. Prior to being a funding member, David worked in software development and sales for over 20 years and is well know to vendors and customers in the industry.

Paul Gently is president of the MyBitCloud, Inc and is responsible for establishing the company?s Business Service Management (BSM) strategy as the leading platform for IT management. Paul leads the BSM products, support, sales, and marketing groups with the charter to help customers reduce IT costs, increase business value, assure quality of service, manage risk and provide IT transparency. Previously, Paul served as senior vice president of ESM solutions and brand management, and was responsible for product strategy, R&D, customer support and marketing. Paul joined MBC in 2010. He has more than 20 years of experience in network, system and service management. This incudes nine years with Hewlett-Packard.

Susan Millstone?is vice-president of sales and marketing. She is responsible for the direction of the sales team and the future of the company?s sales and marketing efforts. Susan joined MBC in 2011, prior to joining MBC she served as senior vice president and chief marketing officer of a software development company. Subsequent to that she spent 21 years at IBM, where she held a variety of positions including sales, marketing and general management.

Kyle Bendford?Kyle is chief technology officer for MyBitCloud, Inc. He is responsible for leading technology and solution strategy for all products, including emerging areas, such as cloud computing and cryptography.
Under Kyle?s leadership, MBC is developing and industry-leading Cloud storage solution and continues to drive innovation for businesses that need to implement a secure and scalable cloud computer backup and storage strategy. Kyle joined MBC in 2010, prior to joining us he served as CTO and has more than 19 years of experience in Enterprise Service, Infrastructure and Application Management.
That being said, it's impossible not to give WGIH our highest attention? and don?t forget: read the new release!

Could this be a sign of big action on WGIH in the morning? Stay tuned to find out why. As we have said over and over, a great breakout chart is not one to miss!

Make sure you're watching WGIH in the morning! This is just the beginning ?

Begin your research at the company?s websites:

I have reviewed WGIH again and again and believe many other newsletters may start to cover this new monster late this week and next week so this could become a nice short-term winner for us. The momentum has already started earlier today, and if you want to see what a security software company can pay off, stay tuned!

It?s this morning. Don?t miss your chance to study WGIH and make your own decision.

Is there a market forWGIH?
The market forWGIH is HUGE! There is a huge new niche that all of these major companies are going after and that`s "cloud computing" software and technology.

Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid. In laymen`s terms you can access a service remotely from any computer and/ or mobile device. A commercial example of cloud computing is Google.

Now is the time to take action!

The technicals look strong and we should see the momentum continue into tomorrows trading!

As you can see, this stock has the potential to another jump for big percentage gains very quickly which I know would be great for my members. This is a golden momentum play if you want a software company in your portfolio!

Please note again: This new momentum play in WGIH is extremely powerful and it could put major profit in your pocket from this point!

Make sure you won?t miss this new Cloud Computing monster this morning!


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