Thursday, October 18, 2012

Modern Day Knights: Jessica's Kingwood Baby Shower Weekend

So I begin at the beginning of September. Yikes- I am more than a little behind. September was a crazy busy month. I feel like I was gone the whole month! So I?ll start at the beginning. The first weekend of September was Jessica (my sister) baby shower in Kingwood.

????????? My mom?s cousin, Verna was coming into town for the shower and so I went to Kingwood a few days early so Ascher and I could hang out and see Verna before the craziness of the weekend began. Also, my cousin, Vanessa and her baby, Ty (who is less than 24 hours older than Ascher) came on Thursday as well. It was the first time for the babies to meet.

? ? ? ? ? ?Friday we got up and headed to Target. Mom got Ascher a little walker to keep at her house. I had so much fun looking at all the toys and thinking about Christmas! I can?t wait! After Target we came back to the house and let the babies play. Friday night everyone (Parkers & Calhouns) came over for dinner. It was nice to have everyone together. Granted we were missing a few- Jessica & Roy weren?t there yet. The rest of the Calhouns were at home and Elissa was in Alaska. We missed them but still had fun being together. We haven?t all been together in awhile.

???Jessica & Roy got there after everyone had left. We chatted for a little while before everyone went to bed. Saturday morning we got up and got ready for the shower. It feels like just yesterday it was my baby shower- now Ascher is almost 6 months old and Hadley is about to be here!! EEEEK! Time is going by too fast! We went over to Ms. Buckstaff?s house and the shower began. It was so pretty and you really could tell how much love these people have for Jessica & Hadley.

I can?t wait for Hadley to get here!!?


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